Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today we are talking about what to do before, during, and after process discovery and design sessions. In this episode of the podcast we are talking about: Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or leaving us a voice message by clicking here. Additional information Credits […]
The topic “Process” seems to have a renaissance these days. A lot of younger folks are deciding to work in this industry, and a not so small part of this might be caused by the exciting new technology of Process Mining, which seems to be natural for people who grew up with technology in all […]
The topic of this What’s Your Baseline Shorts podcast is Process Simulation and why you should not have this in your Process Mining tool, but rather as part of your design platform. We speak about these topics: Why simulation? What do you need for simulation What are the outcomes of a simulation What are the […]
Sometimes things in business kill the best podcast publishing schedule. Today’s guest, James Dening, the CEO of Minit, has sold the firm to Microsoft on March 31. Nevertheless, this interview with him is very insightful regarding his way to becoming the CEO, process mining as a discipline, as well as the process mining market compared […]
As a follow-up to the Process Simulation article from a few days ago, here are a couple of recordings of how you can do simulation in Software AG’s ARIS tool. Our preferred co-host of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast, J-M Erlendson, has created them as part of his day job. Grab some popcorn, have a […]
A few weeks ago we started to have a look at process analysis methods and discussed what a “base analysis” package for your organization could look like. In this article we will have a look at an advanced analysis technique – Process Simulation. Simulation is typically used in the same phases of the solution lifecycle […]
Process mining is the “hot” topic in our industry these days, and there are a sizable number of process mining tool vendors available in this space. However, the technology is still at the beginning of the hype curve and not a lot of organizations have established process mining as a standard tool in their process […]
This is the first of a few articles about process analysis, and covers the “base” analysis of a process without dedicated tools (besides your architecture tool), or additional data collection, for example, for simulation or process mining. Those “advanced” analysis methods will be covered in the future. It does not aim to be a complete […]
After having a look at the functional business process view, we will have a look at a second process view in this article: the End-to-End (E2E) process view, which a lot of people are familiar with because this is how they experience their daily work. We will also have a look at the risk viewpoint, […]
Setting up a structure for your architecture can be challenging when you want to include the demands of all stakeholders and cover all use cases. For some architectural views it is easy – applications typically come in “flat” and might just have one level below in your meta model (for components and other viewpoints), or […]
As mentioned in part 1 of this series, a model import as part of the implementation of an architecture tool can be a crucial success factor to get a new program off the ground and act as an accelerator for future projects. We discussed the first two phases (preparation and initial import) and will have […]
This episode is a “semi follow-up” to the last episode, where we talked about Process Mining – today’s topic is Task Mining (aka Robotics Process Discovery). Task Mining will bring clarity into what your users do on a procedure level, and can give insights into what might cause a “spike” in your analysis, or fill […]