Design-driven Transformation: James Toomey

Episode 51 – Design-driven Transformation: James Toomey

We had the topic of today’s episode – transformation – a couple of times on this podcast, even though we did not call the episodes like that. But why? Because transformation in today’s times is not an exception but the reality for all organizations. It is not just “an update by IT”, or something that […]

Sustainability Title

Episode 50 – Sustainability: Anthony Gilbreath

Some topics seem to be a “stretch too far” for this podcast, and the topic for today’s episode seems to be one of those: Sustainability. But is it? Yes, Sustainability -or the lack of it- is a global problem, that manifests itself in climate change, social restructuring, and many other forms. But it also becomes […]

Enterprise Architecture - Luca de Risi

Episode 45 – Why do CIOs need Enterprise Architecture: Luca de Risi

Enterprise Architects? Aren’t those the useless people who always say “no”? That is one of the perspectives we have heard about EAs in the past. But what can EAs do and how do the progress from “noisy” to “influential”? In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline? podcast we discuss the role of Enterprise Architects […]

S4E4 Title Org. Change Management

Episode 41 – Organizational Change Management: Jehane Adam

If you have listened to a couple of podcast episodes you know that we are true believers in that the biggest “problem” in any architecture, BPM, or Process Mining project is not the technology or the processes and other architecture views – it is the people! Getting people along with your change is the hardest thing to do […]

Strategy to execution title

Episode 40 – Strategy to Execution: Dan Marquez

Developing a strategy for your organization seems like a mystery for a lot of people (and some organizations make a large coin from keeping that mystery), but in all reality it has a big part of “wild guesses” included. In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast we have Dan Marquez on the show, who […]

Women in Process - Title

Episode 32 – Women in Process: Josèphe Blondaut and Gabriela Galic

Even given the fact that we are living in the 21st century, it is interesting to see that the percentage of women who studied technology or worked in the process industry actually decreased over time. Which is a sad state of affairs. So the question now is, how we -as an industry- can add more […]

Open Source Avi Ghosh Title

Episode 29 – Open Source: Avi Ghosh

It is interesting to see how a “fringe idea” like Open Source software became mainstream within just a few years and everyone of us is using the outcome of it in our daily lives (mostly without knowing it – or have you thought what runs your car radio or the datacenter of your preferred search […]

How to create a business case - title

Episode 23 – How to create a business case

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today’s topic is about creating a formal business case as part of the change process. Creating a business case document can be a challenge for someone who has not done that before, and one might think that this is a single-person activity. Nothing could be further from the […]

Org Change Mgmt Title

Episode 17 – Organizational Change Management

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today’s topic is organizational change management, which is the counterpart to the previous episode of “Management of Change” where we spoke with Caspar Jans. This episode covers the “people side” of changes that are planned in your architecture and implementation projects, and we are covering the why, org […]

Changing role of architects - title

The changing role of architects

Even though the discipline of architecture is decades old (and if you look at the discipline of process management, even hundreds of years), there is no consensus of what an architect actually defines. And the practitioners have not been helpful as well in their self-positioning. “Back in the day” a lot of architecture groups held […]

Change Management and Management of Change go hand in handChange Management and Management of Change go hand in hand

Management of change

When I was asked to write a guest blog for the guys from What’s Your Baseline (who also are respected colleagues of mine) I did not have to think twice. What I did have to think about is the topic of this blog and I started reading some of the blogs of their website and […]

Conference title graphic

Episode 10 – Get the most out of conferences, trade shows, and webinars

Have you ever wondered why you should go to conferences or be a speaker (and how to become one)? Our podcast guest today is José Pires, a veteran of 20+ years in the conference business and a leader in helping organizations to improve their execution and innovation excellence. José serves as Excellence & Innovation (E&I) […]