BPM is important because everything that we do in organizations are processes.

So, why don’t we agree on a common nomenclature, and educate people with a standardized curriculum? Oh, it is because the players have a vested interested in coming up with “the next best thing” and selling it to your customers?

But there is the need for a basic training for everyone (?) in an organization about process management, and the guest in this episode, Matúš Mala, is working on creating the foundation for this.

Matúš is a BPM philanthropist & coach, podcast host, independent [Business] Process Management & Automation advocate, organizer of the BPM-Munich, meetup, trainer, mentor, servant leader, career advisor, solution architect, agile developer … or to say it in other words: a busy man.
He is currently fascinated by all aspects of modern BPM, including hyperautomation, citizen development, automation fabric and other hot trends. As a lecturer at the TH Augsburg, I have the opportunity to pass on my knowledge and passion for these topics.

In this episode of the podcast, we are talking about:

  • Matúš’ background
  • Importance of education in BPM topics — do we need it, or is it enough to learn on the job?
  • Is the current education status good or bad?
  • Gartner predictions for Digitalization / BPM / Hyperautomation / AI / Low-Code / … areas
  • Do we need to change something? And how?

Matúš can be contacted via LinkedIn and you can find him at the Process Academy and SCR Consulting.

Please reach out to us by either sending an email to hello@whatsyourbaseline.com or sign up for our newsletter and get informed when we publish new episodes here: https://www.whatsyourbaseline.com/subscribe/.

Additional information

  • We refer to the EA Strategy episode with Carlisle Gunn


Music by Jeremy Voltz, www.jeremyvoltzmusic.com

  • CP1 (Welcome)
  • Interludes tba
  • South Wing (Outro)