One misconception that many people have is that EA is just “that IT stuff”. Nothing is more false than that. If you *really* look at an enterprise, you will see that a full architecture encompasses all layers from strategy through business (processes, risks, orgs, etc.) to data, apps, and technology.

But the real benefit is that you can create a line of sight through all these layers. This will help you not only to identify the as-is and how you should change based on where you are, but also allow you to connect all people who are happy sitting in their silos.

That is why we invited Leslie Robinet to be the guest of this episode.
Leslie is passionate about continuous improvement, practicing and promoting being an agent of positive change. She has leveraged this for the benefit of clients through her career in consulting and services. These values are also present in her commitment to volunteering and associations, with environmental and human considerations.

Leslie’s dedication to sustainable development goes beyond a personal reach. On the associative side, actively involved in volunteer work since her youth, she invests locally by being one of the founders of “Mon Epice’Rit”, a co-operative grocery store demonstrating values of solidarity and ecology. Through this vector they raise awareness locally through presentations and workshops.

In this episode of the podcast, we are talking about:

  • Leslie’s background
  • Limiting EA vs. unlimited EA — where to start and what to accomplish
  • Decision-making, people, perspective to plan and adapt to change: global approach to Enterprise Architecture
  • How to approach the use cases — how can EA help solve the problems?
  • Use models and modeling to represent the complex reality in a simplified way
  • The Digital Twin concept.

You can find Leslie on LinkedIn and reach out to her company to get in contact.

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Music by Jeremy Voltz,

  • CP1 (Welcome)
  • Interludes tba
  • South Wing (Outro)