As mentioned in part 1 of this series, a model import as part of the implementation of an architecture tool can be a crucial success factor to get a new program off the ground and act as an accelerator for future projects. We discussed the first two phases (preparation and initial import) and will have […]
One major point of the implementation of an architecture tool is the import of existing content. Organizations have years and sometimes decades of content in various formats available, that might be in various statuses – from “current” to “horribly incorrect”, “cannot be found anymore”, or “outdated”. However, it might be a worthwhile exercise to get […]
In the previous articles of this series we have answered the questions “what is my data?” and “where do I store my data?”. We also had a look at where logical data is used. This final article about data modeling now has a second look at the where data is used and answers the question […]
In the previous articles of this series, we looked at the major questions that will be answered when data modeling, and had a look at how to create conceptual and logical data models (part 1). We then looked at how logical data will be used in other models, such as processes or application landscapes. We […]
In the previous article we spoke about the “why” and conceptual/logical data modeling. Today we will have a look at the distinction between canonical data model and information assets and the usage of logical data in application models and interfaces. The last two articles of this series will talk about physical data modeling, and lastly […]
Data models are some of the things that I have seen the least often in projects over the last two decades. Why is that? Is it because it is too geeky, or not interesting enough compared to, say, a process model in BPMN? This is the first article of a series that talks about data […]
A few weeks ago, my co-host of the What’s Your Baseline podcast, J-M Erlendson, held a presentation about Process and Task Mining and how they differ and work together. Many organizations struggle to realize the benefits of Process Mining, despite having good transactional data and powerful toolsets. What if they’re not seeing the whole picture? […]
Some organizations and also methods, such as Lean or Six Sigma, have a focus on improving a single process with a well defined scope, while others take a wider, more holistic approach to processes and process improvement. This has an impact on how things are approached, where to spend time and focus on, and to […]