Sustainability Title

Episode 50 – Sustainability: Anthony Gilbreath

Some topics seem to be a “stretch too far” for this podcast, and the topic for today’s episode seems to be one of those: Sustainability. But is it? Yes, Sustainability -or the lack of it- is a global problem, that manifests itself in climate change, social restructuring, and many other forms. But it also becomes […]

What’s Your Baseline Podcast – Season 5 Trailer

What’s Your Baseline Podcast – Season 5 Trailer

Welcome back to the What’s Your Baseline? Podcast. We are starting our Season 5 (who would have guessed that?) next Monday, July 31, with our 50th episode about Sustainability. We can’t wait to hear back from you 🙂

Customer Experience Management Title

Episode 49 – Customer Experience Management

Welcome to the last episode of our podcast in Season 4 (no worries, we’ll be back for a Season 5). Today we are talking about Customer Experience Management, which is complimentary to BPM and EA. The key difference is that Customer Experience Management has an outside-in perspective on things, versus the inside-out perspective of your […]

Enterprise Mining Mark McGregor Title

Episode 48 – Enterprise Mining: Mark McGregor

We have spoken about Process Mining and data-driven decision making quite a lot on this podcast. But does it stop with mining processes? I think the next step is growing this field of data analysis to “Enterprise Mining” where the same idea will be applied to apps, data, orgs, risks, etc. And the idea is […]

Process Simulation - Title

Episode 47 – Process simulation: John Hill

We are at the next step of moving our organizations to the digital twin which will allow us to monitor “the plane” (our businesses) in real-time and compare it with the predictions of the future. This missing step is Process Simulation, a “thing” that existed for years already and was widely underused. The change though […]

Gamification - title

Episode 46 – Gamification and Performance Management

Welcome to the next episode of our podcast. Today we are talking about Gamification, a topic that we are a bit critical towards, but which seems to be here to stay (it’s a generational thing, I guess…). But the twist in this episode is how it influences the performance of your architecture or business process […]

Enterprise Architecture - Luca de Risi

Episode 45 – Why do CIOs need Enterprise Architecture: Luca de Risi

Enterprise Architects? Aren’t those the useless people who always say “no”? That is one of the perspectives we have heard about EAs in the past. But what can EAs do and how do the progress from “noisy” to “influential”? In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline? podcast we discuss the role of Enterprise Architects […]

Process Notations (and why they are not important): Walter Bril

Episode 44 – Process notations (and why they are not important): Walter Bril

When starting with process management one of the first questions is “what process notation shall I use”. In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline? podcast we discuss this question with Walter Bril, who is one of the co-inventors of the Universal Process Notation (UPN) and why it is not *really* important what notation you […]

Process management for small business: Adi Klevit

Episode 43 – Process management for small organizations: Adi Klevit

What are the needs of a small business compared to a larger one? Can they use the same approaches for process improvement and business process management? Shall they use the same tools? This week we are speaking with an expert on this topic (and also a small business owner herself – Adi Klevit. Adi is running […]

Business Architecture

Episode 42 – Structure Your Business Architecture

I see a lot of separated efforts in organizations – people run projects, implement systems, restructure the organization, and model processes. Aren’t these all connected activities that should be coordinated to create a *gulp* architecture that carries the load? But what is a “Business Architecture” and how is it different from just an assembly of […]

S4E4 Title Org. Change Management

Episode 41 – Organizational Change Management: Jehane Adam

If you have listened to a couple of podcast episodes you know that we are true believers in that the biggest “problem” in any architecture, BPM, or Process Mining project is not the technology or the processes and other architecture views – it is the people! Getting people along with your change is the hardest thing to do […]

Strategy to execution title

Episode 40 – Strategy to Execution: Dan Marquez

Developing a strategy for your organization seems like a mystery for a lot of people (and some organizations make a large coin from keeping that mystery), but in all reality it has a big part of “wild guesses” included. In this episode of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast we have Dan Marquez on the show, who […]