Business IT Alignment

Industry experts discuss examples of how Enterprise Architecture aligns Business & Technology

How does enterprise architecture engage with the business today? How can EA help the Business and IT align and work closer together? After sharing the discussion on the evolution and perceived value of enterprise architecture, let’s explore what our thought leaders, President of JV Strategic Solutions John Varricchio, KPMG Enterprise Architecture Leader Roland Woldt, and […]

Digital disruption

The value of Enterprise Architecture in today’s age of digital disruption

What is the state of enterprise architecture today? How has enterprise architecture evolved and what is the perceived value of the practice? MEGA brought together thought leaders to discuss the evolving role of enterprise architecture in a webinar entitled, “Modernizing the Role of Enterprise Architecture in the Digital Age.” President of JV Strategic Solutions John […]

EA Modernization

EA Modernization in the Age of Digital Disruption [Webcast]

In summer 2019 I participated in a panel discussion about EA Modernization, hosted by Mega: “Listen in as EA-industry veteran John Varricchio, MEGA Chief Strategy Officer Dan Hebda, and KPMG Enterprise Architecture practice leader Roland Woldt, discuss strategies and real-world examples of how EA can become a digital advisor to the business.” During the conversation […]