Process Management Education - Matus Mala

Episode 87 — Process Management Education: Matúš Mala

BPM is important because everything that we do in organizations are processes. So, why don’t we agree on a common nomenclature, and educate people with a standardized curriculum? Oh, it is because the players have a vested interested in coming up with “the next best thing” and selling it to your customers? But there is […]

Episode 86 - Successful Architecture Implementation

Episode 86 — Successful Architecture Implementation (Roland wrote a book)

We are trying something new here at What’s Your Baseline? — J-M turns his focus on investigative journalism and starts asking the “hard questions” (and not just the softballs that I get from him at other times) 🙂But in all seriousness — this episode of the podcast is a conversation between the two of us, […]

OKRs - Ben Lamorte

Episode 85 — OKRs: Ben Lamorte

I was late to the game when I got exposed to the concept of OKRs a few years ago. Before that, I thought that it was just another term for setting objectives, and you can dump a million of those onto your people. But there is a different approach, a much gentler approach to OKRs, […]

Process Analysis

Episode 82 – Process Analysis

Welcome back to a new year and Season 8 of the What’s Your Baseline Podcast, and we are starting with an episode that closes the loop with two other episodes (links below): “Process Mining Analysis” and “Lean and Process Mining”. Today we are talking about Process Analysis in general, and we are thinking of the […]

2024 in Review

Episode 81 – 2024 in Review

The end is near … no, not what you are thinking. 2024 comes to a close in about two weeks, and we also end Season 7 of the podcast. And a lot has happened — in the industry, with tools, changes in companies and the life of people in our small community. Tune in to […]

Strateg-ish collaboration

Collaboration Highlights: Strategy and Architecture with Strateg-ish

It feels as if Christmas is knocking on the door and brings gifts early. Today, our friends from The Strategish Podcast released the second part of our conversation about Strategy and Architecture. And it feels just like yesterday when we had both here in Episode 80! In this new episode, we are looking at what […]

Ep. 80 title

Episode 80 – Execution-Aware Strategy: Dan Marquez and Craig Overmars

How do you bridge the gaps between Strategy and Execution, and how do you evolve execution as strategy pivots? That are the questions that are the topic of our podcast this week – the first of two episodes of a collaboration with the “Strateg-ish” podcast, run by our friends Craig Overmars and Dan Marquez, who […]

What Is Process Intelligence (and why should you care)?

Process Intelligence is a term that you might have encountered a bit more often these days, and one big driver of this is the popularity of Process and Task Mining. However, there are also voices out there who think that there is more to Process Intelligence than mining, and some who are thinking it is […]

Ep. 78 title

Episode 78 – EA Use Cases

I know that this might be a cultural issue, but I don’t see a lot of planning when it comes to projects anymore. Everything is “Agile” and I don’t see that things are seen through that often. Which is bad, because one of the promises of EA (and BPM) is that someone understands how things […]

Ep. 77 title

Episode 77 – Mergers & Acquisitions: Luca de Risi and Nick Reed

There was a big splash in the Enterprise Architecture tool market a few weeks ago – Bizzdesign announced that they will merge with Mega and an unnamed third party (which we will learn about in Q4 soon, but cannot name here at this time). But why these two (three) players and why now? Since we […]

Ep. 76 - title

Episode 76 – EA/BPM Misconceptions: Caspar Jans & Russell Gomersall

Oh, why do I need a special EA/BPM tool? I am managing my apps in a spreadsheet just fine.That is one of the misconceptions that I have heard over the last twenty-something years of me helping clients to stand up practices and increase their EA/BPM maturity. And there are tons more of those … Well, […]

Ep. 75 title

Episode 75 – Business Architecture For a New Product: Mike DeCamp

Do you need Business Architects when creating a new product? Isn’t that a bit redundant when you have highly-paid Product Managers already? Or is there an overlap between the two that will create a better product for the end users, but also for the organization because they can better support it and it is aligned […]