Ep 73 title

Episode 73 – Leading High-Performance Architecture Teams: Amy Levine

Some organizations seem to perform better, create results faster, and the people in those organizations seem to have fun on top if this? But how can that be when you are currently stretched in all directions and don’t know how to get stuff done? In this episode we are talking with Amy Levine, who is […]

Retirement Challenge - Title

Episode 72 – The Retirement Challenge: Peggy McCann

Some organizations are like a ticking time bomb when it comes to their processes and (IT) architecture. “The old guard” is about to leave the organization in masses (and sometimes not voluntarily) and a lot of knowledge about how things are wired up – which is what architecture is all about, right? – will leave […]

Business Architecture Implementation

Episode 71 – Business Architecture Implementation – A User Story: Breanne Casteel

How do I get started? What is the first thing that I look at? Who will be my allies? What do I need to put in place? When you are tasked to build a brand new Business Architecture practice in an organization that has not had one before is a challenging task. When you have […]

Building Community: Heather Wendt

Episode 69 – Building Community: Heather Wendt

Why do some applications have a large following and their revenues soar, while others are struggling with making a sale and are virtually unknown? Or why do you struggle with building internal acceptance for your program? One reason might be that the former companies were able to build a community that includes not only users […]

BPM Adoption Framework: Caspar Jans

Episode 66 – BPM Adoption Framework: Caspar Jans

You have chosen to start your BPM journey and are now asking yourself the question “how *DO* I get started?”. Well, one way is to look at a BPM Adoption Framework, the other is to ask someone who has done that before. We are lucky to speak with someone who fulfills both criteria – our […]

Process Simulation - Title

Episode 47 – Process simulation: John Hill

We are at the next step of moving our organizations to the digital twin which will allow us to monitor “the plane” (our businesses) in real-time and compare it with the predictions of the future. This missing step is Process Simulation, a “thing” that existed for years already and was widely underused. The change though […]

Process management for small business: Adi Klevit

Episode 43 – Process management for small organizations: Adi Klevit

What are the needs of a small business compared to a larger one? Can they use the same approaches for process improvement and business process management? Shall they use the same tools? This week we are speaking with an expert on this topic (and also a small business owner herself – Adi Klevit. Adi is running […]

S4E4 Title Org. Change Management

Episode 41 – Organizational Change Management: Jehane Adam

If you have listened to a couple of podcast episodes you know that we are true believers in that the biggest “problem” in any architecture, BPM, or Process Mining project is not the technology or the processes and other architecture views – it is the people! Getting people along with your change is the hardest thing to do […]

WYB Shorts 7 - Process Empathy Title

Process Empathy – What’s Your Baseline Shorts 7

People. For better or worse, a lot of the topics in EA and BPM center around people. They are the reasons why we do things (customers who pay for our goods and services), who does the work (employees and partners), or why processes and architectures even exist in the first place. In this What’s Your […]

Org Change Mgmt Title

Episode 17 – Organizational Change Management

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today’s topic is organizational change management, which is the counterpart to the previous episode of “Management of Change” where we spoke with Caspar Jans. This episode covers the “people side” of changes that are planned in your architecture and implementation projects, and we are covering the why, org […]