BPM Implementation - A User Story Title

Episode 62 – BPM Implementation – A User Story: Martin Holling

This episode is a first for the podcast – we are not talking about something from an external perspective, but speak with someone “in the trenches” who is actively implementing BPM in an 160-year old organization. Our guest today is Martin Holling, who is working at Kemna (a road construction company in northern Germany) and […]

6-step approach to process mining

How to Ensure Success with Process Mining: The Six Steps Every Company Should Follow

By Roland Woldt Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of hype about process mining. Businesses across the globe are adopting mining tools to take advantage of data-driven insights that allow them to streamline their business operations. They do this to save time and reduce costs, helping companies achieve strategic goals and maintain […]

BPM and Process Lifecycle - Title

Episode 61 – BPM and Process Lifecycle

We had a couple of episodes where we discussed the Solution / Process Lifecycle, but this time we look at it from the perspective of Business Process organizations. What we see is a distinction between the different disciplines that are needed to deliver a full solution and there are organizations that see a “them” and […]

Process Mining Analysis - title

Episode 57 – Process Mining Analysis

You bought the tool and now the most critical question for your success comes up: “Now what?”. This leads to these questions: what can you do in the tools, what can you expect, and -maybe most importantly- what do you do after you’ve done a part of the analysis. You also need to have a […]

APQC: Moritz Berger

Episode 54 – APQC: Moritz Berger

We spoke about frameworks and reference content as accelerators in a previous episode (listen here), but one of those is pretty popular here in North America, so that we have a deeper look into the APQC Process Classification Framework today. We are talking with Moritz Berger about the ins-and-outs of APQC, and will extend this […]

Subject-oriented process management - title

Episode 53 – Subject-oriented Process Management: Christoph Piller

Process Management has a bad reputation of downsizing, replacing humans with bots, and all those other things that one relates to “bad capitalism”. But there are also other ways to include humans into process management that are outside of these parameters. And, believe it or not, you still need humans to analyze, design, and improve […]

Enterprise Mining Mark McGregor Title

Episode 48 – Enterprise Mining: Mark McGregor

We have spoken about Process Mining and data-driven decision making quite a lot on this podcast. But does it stop with mining processes? I think the next step is growing this field of data analysis to “Enterprise Mining” where the same idea will be applied to apps, data, orgs, risks, etc. And the idea is […]

Process Simulation - Title

Episode 47 – Process simulation: John Hill

We are at the next step of moving our organizations to the digital twin which will allow us to monitor “the plane” (our businesses) in real-time and compare it with the predictions of the future. This missing step is Process Simulation, a “thing” that existed for years already and was widely underused. The change though […]

S4E2 Title Lean

Episode 39 – Lean and Process Mining: Sebastian Kotulla

A lot of people think that the work is done when they have a process be visualized in their process mining tool and a nice dashboard is built. Nothing could be further from the truth and our guest today, Sebastian Kotulla, talks with us about why that is. To bridge the gap between visualizing data/information […]

Lean and Six Sigma Title

Episode 36 – Lean and Six Sigma: Ron Baker

There was a lot of buzz around Lean and Six Sigma back in the 80s and 90s, but not today anymore. However, the practice is not dead and it is still relevant and used in many industries today. And there are good reasons to take a step back and have another look at why it […]

Ep. 30 title

Episode 30 – How to choose a process mining tool

Welcome to another episode of our podcast. Today we are talking about how to choose a process mining tool, to close the loop to the “How to select an architecture tool” episode (link below). In this episode of the podcast we are talking about: What are process mining tools and how they are different than […]

How to get into Process Mining - Shorts 5

How to get into Process Mining – What’s Your Baseline Shorts 5

Process Mining is THE hot technology in our industry these days. But how do you get involved in it, and which skills do you need to bring to the table? In this Shorts episode we are talking about: What is Process Mining? How is a Process Mining project different from a “regular BPM project”? What […]